DDoS Attacks

Hollywood was secretly one of the largest players

Sony enlisted Ernst & Young to look into its businesses in the country and uncovered potential evidence of wrongdoing, according to the e-mails. In one case, investigators found that a joint venture between Sony and Discovery Communications Inc. ...

A DMCA takedown request to the recently released Adam Sandler film “Pixels.”

A DMCA takedown request has targeted short films older than and completely unrelated to the recently released Adam Sandler film "Pixels." Pixels, the new film from Adam Sandler, was a complete flop with critics and at the box office, as the ...

Search engine without dmca filter

The reason that you cannot find the information you need is because of pressure from certain groups. A pressure group can be described as an organised group that seeks to influence government policy or legislation. Pressure group can be a huge ...

DDoS Attacks That large Entertainment Industry, Will Use Against You

Anonym Hacker carried out the DDoS attacks on behalf of the copyright protection group against FFilms.org website. The hacker used a botnet of over 35,000 network routers that he infected with customized malicious software to carry out the DDoS ...

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