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Is there really a global epidemic?

Mental illnesses are on the rise The second is that surveys repeatedly show that more young people are reporting mental distress. The most common illnesses Clinical depression (which is not the same a feeling a bit down or a bit depressed ...

U.S. Congress Member swho support SOPA/PIPA

The Electronic Frontier Foundation expressed concern that free and open source software (FOSS) projects found to be aiding online piracy could experience serious problems under SOPA.Of special concern was the web browser Firefox, which has an ...

Australian authoritarianism

Australia has been seduced by creeping authoritarianism – and its citizens need to wake up. In the struggle for democratic freedoms, we need to ensure that rights apply to everyone – for, if they don’t, they’ll soon apply to none.   ...

Political Donations and where your money is going.

Shopping Price Club/Costco donated $225K, 99% went to Democrats Rite Aid donated $517K, 60% went to Democrats Magla Products (Stanley tools, Mr. Clean) donated $22K, 100% went to Democrats Warnaco (undergarments) donated $55K, 73% ...

Lamar Smith: Stop Online Piracy Act

The TV, movie, and music industries are the top donors to Smith's 2012 campaign committee, according to data complied by the Center for Responsive Politics. "This is a prime example of the content industry capturing members of government," says ...

Hollywood was secretly one of the largest players

Sony enlisted Ernst & Young to look into its businesses in the country and uncovered potential evidence of wrongdoing, according to the e-mails. In one case, investigators found that a joint venture between Sony and Discovery Communications Inc. ...

Film industry corporations were maintaining special cash slush funds for bribing officials.

Ethical business practices are a critical aspect of sustainability, yet progress towards eliminating bribery and corruption appears to be elusive in the face of persistent headlines such as the recent forced resignation of completely legitimate web ...

Electing your law or government via the tap of a smartphone

The use of internet - or electronic - voting in elections is growing. Couldn't technology remove some of these barriers to democratic involvement? Bad weather can put people off going to vote, while others forget to register or might be away on ...

Organized crime in the 21st century – Mafia new generation

The business world assist organized crime and in turn organized crime assist the business world. There is a need for corruption by both parties in order to gain power and money. This need or want feeds off of each other in a mutual relationship ...

Dental amalgam: Mafia continues to poison people

Most people are aware that mercury is hazardous to health, but if they don't know that amalgam fillings contain mercury, then they can't object to it in the first place. Amalgam, typically referred to as "silver fillings," is a consumer fraud ...

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