Communication rights

U.S. Congress Member swho support SOPA/PIPA

The Electronic Frontier Foundation expressed concern that free and open source software (FOSS) projects found to be aiding online piracy could experience serious problems under SOPA.Of special concern was the web browser Firefox, which has an ...

Political Donations and where your money is going.

Shopping Price Club/Costco donated $225K, 99% went to Democrats Rite Aid donated $517K, 60% went to Democrats Magla Products (Stanley tools, Mr. Clean) donated $22K, 100% went to Democrats Warnaco (undergarments) donated $55K, 73% ...

Lamar Smith: Stop Online Piracy Act

The TV, movie, and music industries are the top donors to Smith's 2012 campaign committee, according to data complied by the Center for Responsive Politics. "This is a prime example of the content industry capturing members of government," says ...

Film industry corporations were maintaining special cash slush funds for bribing officials.

Ethical business practices are a critical aspect of sustainability, yet progress towards eliminating bribery and corruption appears to be elusive in the face of persistent headlines such as the recent forced resignation of completely legitimate web ...

12.5 year prison sentence for Paul Hansmeier, one of the lead attorneys of the controversial law firm Prenda.

The Pirate Bay played a crucial role in the case, since it's where Prenda uploaded porn movies to extract settlements from alleged pirates. Hansmeier admitted his wrongdoing but is requesting a more lenient prison sentence of little over 7 years. ...

Insane Funny, and Stupid Laws That We Can’t Believe Are Real

Most countries in the developed world operate on some form of representative democracy. Citizens elect representatives who govern, imperfectly, on their behalf. But there is increasing support for a system of direct democracy, where citizens would ...

Discover a Cure for Cancer

IS THERE ANY more tantalizing headline than “Scientists Discover a Cure for Cancer”? Some version of this fantastical claim has been dropped into the news cycle with the regularity of a super blood wolf moon for the better part of a century. In ...

Team Cable wants to end net neutrality

Team Cable wants to end net neutrality so they can control and tax the Internet. Team Cable lies about the effects of net neutrality on the free market and ignores blatant corruption in the regulatory process. If they get their way, we will all pay ...

Copyright law and politician

Overzealous DMCA takedowns disregard fair use. That’s unfortunate, because fair use is designed to ensure that copyright law is compatible with the First Amendment. When fair use is overlooked in the face of a takedown notice, it really means that ...


The legislators prepared legal solutions that would destroy the Internet as we know it. You should know what is law and what is Mafia rules to make more money for themselves. If ARTICLE11 and ARTICLE13 comes into force, it can be used to filter ...

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