We want to our Internet communication remain accessible to all, regardless of where they live or what they can afford enabling us all to feel empowered to bring about real change in the world.
It emboldens us to challenge authority and question the status quo. And by keeping all of our communication free and open to all, we can foster inclusivity, diversity, make space for debate, inspire conversation – so more people have access to accurate information with integrity at its heart.
HotParty.org is free from commercial bias and not influenced by billionaire owners, politicians or shareholders. No one steers our opinion. At a time when there are so few sources of information you can really trust, this is vital as it enables us to give a voice to those less heard, challenge the powerful and hold them to account.
- We are for the development of new technologies (Technology is going faster and faster thanks to the internet and free access to information)
- Civil liberties
- Consumer rights
- Direct democracy (Online Platforms Make Direct Democracy Possible)
- We against laws that prevent development (Total control, copyright and patenting)
Our flag

It may be freely used without permission
May be used by any person who supports our views and positions, freely and withoutspecial permission.