Web Admin's profile was updated 5 years, 7 months ago
Web Admin posted an update in the group Most Dangerous ‘Anti-Online Privacy’ Politicians 5 years, 9 months ago
It time to take a closer look at the men behind these half-cocked pieces of legislation. Because when it comes to controlling the web and screwing with online freedoms, it seems that the same old faces just keep on cropping up. So, who are the biggest political enemies of online privacy.
Web Admin posted an update in the group Cybersecurity 5 years, 9 months ago
How to be safer?
Follow these pointers to do a better job of keeping your smart devices secure:
Consider whether you need a security app
If you stick to the official apps stores, install few apps, and browse only a routine set of websites, you probably don’t need extra security software. Instead, simply stick to the security guidelines provided…[Read more]
Web Admin posted an update in the group Cybersecurity 5 years, 9 months ago
Software going rogue
Numerous free – or paid – security software is available in app stores created by enthusiastic individual developers or small companies. While this software can provide handy features, they can be poorly maintained. More importantly, they can be hijacked or bought by attackers, and then used to harvest personal inf…[Read more]
Web Admin posted an update in the group Cybersecurity 5 years, 9 months ago
Many security tools request access to your personal information. In many cases, they need to do this to protect your device. For example, antivirus software requires information such as browser history, personal files, and unique identifiers to function. But in some cases, tools request more access than they need for functionality. This was the…[Read more]